JK Publishing Reader Appreciation Blog Hop!



Today is my day to post for our JK Publishing Readers Appreciation Blog Hop. Our entire team has gathered together to show our readers just what they mean to us. We are giving away prizes, hanging out at each others blogs for a chat…did I mention prizes? LOL

Let’s face it, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how good a book we right unless you, with reader, buys it. You are the reason we can call ourselves authors, your encouragement is why we continue to right. I can’t even begin to explain the feeling I get when I hear from a reader how much they enjoyed my book, how much they loved my characters. I still have to pinch myself sometimes.


So to say thank you, I am giving away a few prizes today, and you also have a chance to enter to win the grand prize = $100 GC of your choice of book retailer! So stay tuned today, there will be four questions, and prizes to go with them. Good luck!

Psst! Dont forget to check out the other blogger today:

* Bryce Evans

* Reviewing Vixen

30 thoughts on “JK Publishing Reader Appreciation Blog Hop!

  1. Love the HOP! Thanks for being part of it! I think all the authors at JK Publishing are not just talented but I think their openness to their readers is amazing!

  2. Thank you so much for being a part of this blog hop. The second paragraph that you wrote today touched me because you are the second author that I’ve heard that from today :). It makes me happy that when I read a book and post a review or message the author that my words really do mean something to you.

    I hope you are enjoying the holidays, I love your background for your blog.

  3. Just stopping in to say hi and looking forward to digging into some of your books. Beautiful blog you have here. Jess, what is it that inspires you to be a writer?

    1. Thanks for stopping by Karen!

      And I suppose a lot of things. Pictures, music, conversations. Just the other day Hubby and I were doing our usual playful banter and something he said caused me to write down a scene about 3k. The inspiration comes from all weird and wacky places. Trick is to listen. 🙂

      1. That’s so cool! It is always interesting to me to see what inspires people. I love the fact that you have fun banter with your hubby and are able to write based on that. Thanks again for doing the blog tour. It’s nice to meet new authors and get more reading ideas. Have a happy holiday!

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